Spring Cleaning!

It's time to clean house! And I am not just talking about my house, I am clearing out my head, my priorities, people, to-do lists, and all the "stuff" that creates a mess in my life.
For the past week my Yahoo horoscope has been the exact same every day. At first I thought it was an error on their part, but after reading it every morning for 5 days I finally get it (yeah, I am slow sometimes) It repeatedly told me that I have my work in order, but I need to spend more time with family and devoting my attention to them.

Last week we hopped on our pedal bikes and rode to the park where we sat by a pond, watched all the ducks, and enjoyed each other in the sun. It was awesome. Free. Simple.

So, this week I have cleared some things off my to-do lists, unfollowed some people on Twitter & Instagram ( not because of anything they did or didn't do, but because I realized I was unconsciously not really interested in what they had to post and it was one more thing I had to look at to get to the next) I have also started clearing shelves at home. I am constantly dusting "things" that are of no value to me. At least not anymore.

I am also taking a break from Pinterest. After what I thought was a research project to find my next look or makeup style turned out to be me looking in the mirror wondering why my skin isn't as clear as all the women on there? And why doesn't my messy bun look as cute as every picture I see? I lost sight of my own beauty while I was checking out everyone else's. It's time for me to look away from all the pretty pictures and pay attention to the beautiful real life I live. Flaws and all.
The wrinkles around my eyes that I see every time I smile and laugh are awesome because that means I am smiling and laughing. I have to stop wishing them away because they are not picture perfect.

So here is to giving up stuff and collecting laughs, memories, and deeper bonds with those that matter most to me.

Making magic!
xoxo Sara