Yup, that is pretty much all I have been thinking about this week. It turned cold and wet just in time for me to get off work last Friday and until yesterday, I have been stuck inside. Blah!
The good news is: it is now FINALLY sunny and warm (warm; being outside without a jacket and NOT freeze) and Honey and I are heading out on a one night road adventure this weekend on the motorcycle. It will be our first get away this year and it couldn't come soon enough.
I am so grateful for: Gossip Girl marathons, I accidently got hooked ~ snuggling with kiddo on cold nights ~ girl trip planning GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN ~ clean sheets ~ new eyeliner that kicks ass ~ Wasatch Apricot Hefeweizen ~ picking up new GREASY BIKER order, totally BADASS new design ~ paying off a loan ~ planning Mothers Day gifts ~ working out until I'm nauseous ~ kiddos funny personality ~ celebrating birthdays for a good friend ~ yummy Thai food ~ busy work weeks
Love yourself first and everything else falls into place!